“Virtue has a veil, vice a mask.” ~ Victor Hugo

NEW MOON in GEMINI: June 4, 2016 @ 10:59pm at 14 degrees 

Our mind is our most powerful asset – giving form to our lives and creating our reality. Every thought we think and word we speak influences our worldly experience. Mind has the potential to lead us either into virtue or into vice. Mercury, as a symbol of the mind, is the ruling planet of Gemini and corresponds to the Throat chakra or Vishuddha, a sanskrit term meaning pure place. The purity of our thoughts and speech is an essential consideration to the outcome of our lives. The more pure we think and speak, the more pure our experience.

The moon/Sun are exactly conjunct Venus at 14 degrees Gemini (Sabian symbol is Bridging Physical Space And Social Distinctions, Two Men Communicate Telepathically). Gemini is the symbol of the twins and the dualistic aspect of our nature or the mirror image we see in the reflection of our relationships. With Venus’ strong influence here we are remembering that there is no such thing as duality, but rather equal parts of a whole.

When tensions arise in relationship we tend to forget our innate connection by becoming defensive, thus creating a field of opposition and separation. Venus embodies compassion and is the bridge builder; linking the upper and lower world, the inner and outer life. She points the way to the heart of truth and opens all the gates of wisdom to see beyond the veil of forgetfulness and isolation. Although her qualities appear passive her force is unmistakably powerful, as a cosmic benefic (favorable), she is one to whom we are always better to serve or else risk the suffering.

This lunation sparks a deep sense of unity and an awakening to the cosmic order. We are being encouraged to live from a place of connection rather than opposition. It can be so easy to fall into the minds trap (often fueled by memories) of believing in a story from the past. The ultimate realization is that time can only be accessed and understood in conscious presence, the past and future do not exist outside the current moment. The subconscious mind has no relationship to time and when a memory is triggered it instinctively engages in the drama of that memory. Recognition of this tendency and a willingness to discipline the mind are essential in harnessing its immense power.

The BIG happening of this lunation is a Mutable GRAND CROSS. In other words, there will be four squares and two oppositions with four planets and the luminaries involved in the drama. And, it happens to be quite dramatic… the Moon/Sun/Venus in Gemini (playful charm) opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius (focused vision), squaring Jupiter in Virgo (honing our craft), squaring Neptune in Pisces (dreamy idealist). Mutable signs are adaptable and prepare us for the changing of seasons. They are the signs of transition and endings. Their combined energies are creating quite a dynamic stir and pointing to a major crossroad – clarity versus confusion, discipline versus indulgence.

The energies of this new moon are heralding our individual maturity by first letting go of beliefs or patterns of the mind that restrict, deny or sabotage our connection to ourselves, life, and nature. Inevitably there are at least two sides to every story, so conflict is only an idea based on individual perception, not truth. Truth has nothing to do with the story…truth simply is. The stories are our perceived realities of what is and the personalities we identify with are enmeshed in these stores. Gemini is the trickster and the shapeshifter, after all… therefore, we get to choose our mask, our reality, and our stories.

By its nature, our personalities develop over time and take on various roles that might require us to wear masks. These masks become ingrained in our system and quite literally take on a mind of their own. We think we are our mask. But, behind the mask remains the truth of who we are – our essence and our purity. Venus, in her refined knowing, understands what is pure and is constantly nudging us to align with our true nature and inner wisdom. This is our first step toward maturation.

This lunation is beckoning us to grow up and insisting that we pull back the veil of maya (illusion) while preserving our innocence. This does not imply a lack of wisdom or niavete, but rather a humble master whose personal experience has cultivated grace and gentleness. Yes, we’ve had these experiences many times before, but to expect the same outcome is to create it again. Believing in our power to re-imagine, shape-shift, and transform is just the creative play our inner Gemini is seeking.

Living a sattvic or pure life requires much quietude and contemplation. Meditation is a key component to all those born with a strong Gemini influence as the tendency is to jump quickly from one thought or idea to the next without conscious consideration for what is being created. We all have Gemini in us…the urge to communicate, to express, to be heard, and share ideas. We remember that the twins are a symbol of our inner duality that longs to return to wholeness! Now is the TIME!

“Seven times have I despised my soul: The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks.” ― Kahlil Gibran

May we awaken to the wisdom of our innocence and approach life’s crossroads from behind the mask of personality – radically present and conscious of each breath – taking one step at a time and trusting in our purity, integrity, and truth.

Moon/Sun conjunct Venus
Mercury in Taurus
– Moon/Sun square Jupiter in Virgo
– Moon/Sun square Neptune in Pisces
– Moon/Sun opposed Saturn in Sagittarius