“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” ~ William Shakespeare

NEW MOON in AQUARIUS: Jan 27, 2017 @ 7:07 pm at 8 degrees

Come gather around people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone
And if your breath to you is worth saving
Then you better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changing…
— Bob Dylan

Dylan’s lyrics are known to cut to the bone and that is exactly what this New Moon in Aquarius feels like…for there is no doubt these times they are a-changin. Aquarius is a change embracing sign…especially, the sudden, unexpected, unprecedented, liberating kind of change. This lunation calls in the waters of consciousness and the wisdom encoded in the intellect to receive flashes of intuitive insight and the profound truths required to move us forward. The future is now. We are living the dream of our collective future vision. Aquarian energy uplifts the common cultural values and the individual resources necessary to walk the path of the future, now.

In esoteric kriya yoga, Aquarius rules the masculine aspect of the root chakra or muladhara, and guides us towards what is necessary to break out of status quo including structures that no longer serve us. The energy can be radical and revolutionary, but ultimately it’s necessary to shift the paradigm and perpetuate evolution.

Aquarius is also a community oriented sign and focuses on the collective potential – our ability to bind together and create change. It represents our associations and friends as reflections of who we are and what we value in the world at large.

The way of the future is the Aquarian way. We look to our unique Aquarian friends to see what the future holds. They are likely living it. The more we realize that the future depends on what we are creating now, the more we realize the future is now.

Uranus, the great awakener, is in the sign of Aries and is the ruler of this lunation carrying with it a charge of revolution both inwardly and outwardly (as one cannot exist without the other). The questions you might ask yourself are: What is being awoken in me? What epiphany or flash of insight about the truth of who I am has recently arose? And, am I willing to commit to this awareness?

Uranus is opposing Jupiter in Libra and squaring Pluto in Capricorn charging this lunation with an energy of reform and a potential to liberate deep seated belief systems that no longer serve our true purpose. Giving us the opportunity to show up as we really are, no matter how bizarre or radical it may appear. Aquarian’s thrive on uniqueness.

What we choose today, shifts the paradigm of tomorrow and Aquarius wants nothing more than to break out of old conditioning. Now is the time to change. And so we look within to see all that we resist and come to know the resistance we feel externally. Remember: you are the light of the universe peering into itself and you are the universe reflecting back into the world. What change do you truly want to make? And, what’s holding you back from taking that leap of faith?

Pisces energy has a strong influence on this lunation, so try to feel into truth rather than just intellectualizing. And, don’t be surprised if doubts arise — our sense of “reality” is definitely in question…we are collectively burning through maya, the veil of illusion. Go inward to find the answers.

Venus in Pisces is squaring Saturn in Sagittarius bringing potential conflict, doubt, and confusion to our relationships and what we thought we most valued. Always remember that our collective foundation is built on the concept of union and Aquarians across the globe couldn’t agree more. As unique individuals we do whatever it takes to love and respect the differences of our brothers and sisters no matter how radical or out of the ordinary…

Oh…and PLEASE take extra care of your nervous system. Get lots of rest, eat well, exercise, and more than ever MEDITATE!

Om shanti, Om peace…elaina
[Elaina offers personal astrological counseling and spiritual mentorship for anyone ready to claim their true authority and live a life of fulfillment… for a list of SERVICES click here or contact Elaina.]

May we meet our destiny with optimism resolving inner conflict that we might wake up and be ready to revolutionize.

Uranus in Aries
Uranus opposed Jupiter in Libra
Uranus square Pluto in Capricorn
Venus in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius