“The hardness of a diamond is part of its usefulness, but its true value is in the light that shines through it.” ― B.K.S. Iyengar

NEW MOON in ARIES: Mar 27 @ 10:57pm EST at 7 degrees

Today, we courageously renew our passions as they align with our innate sense of self. Those parts of us that we’ve always known…the innocent, child-like self…the undeniable, unabashed self. The self that exudes purity and love. And, we remember to live this love, igniting our wild individuality and remembering our true value. We honor our relationships through our ability to connect harmoniously, along with the capacity to attract the love we desire by being that love.

Living our true value is giving to ourselves what we desire to receive from others on an emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual level. It is having the wisdom to create boundaries necessary to self preserve while honoring the needs of others. Rather than, a denial of self as a means of creating  harmony.

Yesterday’s New Moon is linked with Venus Rx in Aries and the reconsideration of our core values and the creative expression of self.

Ask Yourself: What must I let go of in order to honor my true value?

May we all live true by renewing our passions and claiming our value.

Moon/Sun conjunct Venus
Mars in Taurus
Mars sextile Neptune
Venus inconjunct North Node
Mercury conjunct Uranus in Aries