Today’s FULL MOON in LEO is positively roaring for us to share those creative parts of ourselves that long to be seen, heard or experienced. It is fulfilling and freeing to express our heart’s desire – giving our joy an outlet while honoring our unique bold nature. Accepting and loving all parts of ourselves, especially those that have been withheld, is a freeing and magical realization. And, it is often simultaneous to being recognized and seen as an intricate value to the whole, which in turn validates our purpose and supports the development of our innate creative gifts. It’s time to reconcile the child within giving ourselves permission to create an opportunity to play and trusting that this play serves the communities need to connect and be free.

How has your self expression been reserved? And why? Does something in you need to be forgiven? May this lunation reveal to you, and the world, a brighter revelation of the creative YOU in all your roaring glory. Om shanti.