“Every natural action is graceful.”Ralph Waldo Emerson

Being gracious is revealed through one’s ability to blend and nurture the qualities of wisdom and compassion into action.   When we are able to see clearly through situations that arise, allowing the vision of wisdom to flourish as we accept circumstances with ease and compassion, the blossoms of grace are born.

There is a natural order and flow to life. In yoga, we call this rita.  As we attune to the rita of life and the flow of the universe, we enter a state of grace. This attunement requires that we accept what is and manage situations accordingly.  Without struggling or fighting against that which confronts us we become transparent.  The gift of transparency is total acceptance. To be seen, and to see, with clarity and total honesty is a natural state of being. This innate and natural participation in life is the experience of being gracious. A bird does not complain when its nest is destroyed by a wind fallen tree, but rather it naturally begins to assess a new location as it gathers the materials necessary to restructure and rebuild.