The practice of kriya cultivates self-awareness on the yogic path of self-realization. The objective of kriya yoga is developing and sustaining balanced self-conscious awareness. We practice kriya to bring greater clarity and connection to our inner nature and our outer lives. Astrology has long been used in the yogic tradition as tool for greater understanding of our karmic potentiality, our innate urges and our subconscious proclivities. There are six major states of consciousnes recognized in kriya yoga astrology and each corresponds to a specific chakra and planet. Each of these six states of consciousness have both a masuline and feminine aspect which correspond to the twelve astrological signs. When studying the chart and looking at planets and signs we are looking also at each chakra or energy center.
Elaina uses kriya yoga methodology to support the individual horoscope so that we come to understand our personal nature and transcend the karmic patterns that perpetuate our lives. Each Soul Shine Consultation draws upon the kriya yoga tradition and supports greater harmony, balance, and equanimity in our day-to-day lives.
Specializing in:
Healing the Past | Self- Mastery | Life Purpose | Pivotal Transitions | Relationships | Conscious Parenting | Spiritual Guidance
Soul Shine sessions guide you directly to the identification of cycles and help you gain clarity on the issues, and then provide you with the tools you need to help shift and direct your energy into a positive, expansive outcome. (60 min.) $180 >>>BOOK NOW