“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.” ~ Paulo Coelho

NEW MOON in LEO: Aug 2, 2016 @ 4:44pm at 10 degrees

Bold bright and brilliant today’s New Moon in Leo highlights creativity and self-expression! We are born into this life to shine our light and be the leader of our lives by claiming authorship of our personal story and following our bliss. There is no need for over dramatization, clinging to the past, or scratching at old wounds, but rather, this vibrant new moon/new beginning is an invitation to act courageously and to generously share our grateful hearts (Venus in Leo). We are firing up the senses to emerge in our purest radiance and the strength of our life-purpose.

Leo season is in full swing and our vibrant nature is calling us up to our highest and best, to be like solid gold. Symbolically gold is illustrious, royal, and elevated. It has long been the goal of alchemist to transform other base metals (associated with the lower chakras) into gold… to increase the value of our perceived realities and obtain our true worth. As we awaken and balance our chakra’s (sustained equanimity in response to karmic urges), we align spirit with matter becoming masters of ourselves (which is the true alchemy or transformative power of yoga).

With a trine to Saturn Rx in Sagittarius, only weeks away from going station direct, the goal throughout this lunation is self-mastery utilizing disciplined focus and creative action. Self-mastery comes when we breathe, think, act, dream, eat, feel, listen, see, and respond from a place of integrity and honor. If you’ve ever witnessed or been in the presence of a lion then you have witnessed self-mastery. They are unmistakably regal with a graceful (albeit fierce) and noble presence.

Saturn in Sagittarius also encourages sustainability and spiritual discipline. Therefore, it is a great time to re-establish a sadhana (spiritual practice) or invigorate a current one.

In yoga, Leo corresponds to the Ajna Chakra, the energy center of awakening to higher truths and cosmic vision. It is the command center of our energy system and recognizes its authority is best approached in divine communion with its feminine counterpart, the moon. When opened and balanced the Sun center (aka third eye) is aligned with the lunar energies as two equal parts of a whole functioning most optimally as one. Let us not forget that the Sun, as the center of our solar system, instinctively illuminates whatever it comes into contact with.

The other major happening today is Mars long-awaited transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius… WooWee! Enough of the smoldering depths, it’s time to move our energy into a more adventurous and spirited direction. The question we ask ourselves here is: what is it that I most aspire for? Whatsoever it is, it’s time to grab the reigns and go!

Oh yeah, and be cautious of the need to escape or opt out of that which you are responsible for…with the Moon/Sun inconjunct to Neptune in Pisces we may try to kid ourselves, but the joke is always on us. Maturity is a must. It’s time to grow up or bust.

When our creative potential is aligned with our community and the highest good of the group, always considering the impact of our personal actions, we connect to the collective conscious and our co-creative ability…therein lies the primary theme up for consideration as the month flows on toward a full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius.

CONSIDER learning more about how this lunation is affecting you personally by purchasing a Personalized Moon Reading or Click Here to view a list of astrological services.

How is pride or a need for recognition getting in the way of claiming my joy?
Am I clinging to any false insecurities?
Do I have a need to gain outward recognition to validate my worth?
Am I loving myself first?
When do I hold back and why?

May we radiantly reveal the true worth of our being as we sparkle like glimmering gold and may all our treasures be valued, honored, and generously shared.

Moon/Sun trine Saturn in Sagittarius
Moon/Sun inconjunct Neptnue Rx
Venus in Leo
Mars transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius (day of new moon)
Saturn station direct (mid cycle just prior to full moon)


About The Author

Elaina is a kriya yogi, mentor, and visionary celebrating and exemplifying the value of spiritual life and holistic well being. Her personal mission is to awaken consciousness - igniting a spark of joy in every soul she meets. She teaches and writes regularly on subjects including astrology, yoga cosmology, and conscious living. She offers one-on-one spiritual guidance and group facilitation.

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