“…knowing that everything is possible, suddenly nothing is necessary.” ~ Diana Gabaldon

Life is a revelation. Every moment of our existence is a complete, whole, and encompassing truth that unveils a unique awareness to each of us based on timing, circumstance, perception, and mental conditioning.

Our connection to life seems to be intrinsically linked to our experience of the unknown – the mystery. And yet, we often struggle to remain in harmony with it.

Today’s Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates our natural desire for intimacy and may offer an opportunity to expose (witness) hidden vulnerabilities. The very place we find the strength to bridge any divide.

Bright Full Moon Blessings!

About The Author

Elaina is a kriya yogi, mentor, and visionary celebrating and exemplifying the value of spiritual life and holistic well being. Her personal mission is to awaken consciousness - igniting a spark of joy in every soul she meets. She teaches and writes regularly on subjects including astrology, yoga cosmology, and conscious living. She offers one-on-one spiritual guidance and group facilitation.

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