“The truth will set you free.” ~ John 3:28

FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS: May 21, 2016 @ 5:13pm EST @ 1 degree

Ask Yourself:
What will set me free in this moment? How are my desires holding me hostage in conflict with my truth? Is there a truth in me that I am unwilling to fully accept and/or live? Am I holding onto a belief that doesn’t serve my ability to be free?

Each of these questions leads us to a single question: What is it that makes us free? Freedom is a state of mind and a way of being that isn’t confined by a limitation; our ability to think, speak and act without restraint. It is in the memory of our wild nature and essence of our humanity that we understand freedom. Freedom is the purity of our soul – our birthright.

Sagittarius is the truth seeker and believes that in truth there is freedom. This high powered Sagittarian moon is conjunct Mars Rx, the planet of action, willpower, and desire has the potential to bring us back to what is true. Our true aim is what’s currently coming up for review. The target we wish to hit and the understanding of our desires as they support the wishes we make, specifically the intention we seeded at the New Moon in Taurus. When vision is aligned with values and our energy is in the current of our truth we flow freely in rhythm with our dreams.

The Moon/Mars Rx conjunction is in opposition to the Sun/Venus conjunction in Gemini a polarity in pursuit of balancing the everyday mind and higher mind, as well as, the contrast between masculine and feminine; our drive and our intent. This dynamic may come with some emotional sparks as we peer beyond our ideal’s and listen more intently for what is just and harmonious. Our relationships will show us what is out of balance and will also illuminate the opportunities available for us to unify and commune.

With Mercury station direct in Taurus on the same day as the full moon we are emerging in conjunction with our truth, feeling into what we most value and expressing ourselves in the voice of grace. Sagittarians are known for speaking up and out, no matter the circumstances, however with the impulsive Mars Rx linkage it is wise to think before we speak and listen intently for truth rising up to meet the Intellect.

Understanding where we are in conflict with ourselves is an opportunity to transform our inner duality and meet others in a place of peace. We all desire the freedom to express ourselves and be heard, but first, we must understand our own feelings and where we are personally out of alignment so that we can share with ease the sentiments of the soul without projecting hurts of the past or fears of the future.

“Deep in his heart, every man longs for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue.” ~ John Eldridge

It truly is a time to explore the realms of consciousness and soar into the heart of spiritual teachings. Jupiter (aka guru), the ruling planet of this lunation, continues its journey through Virgo. Here, the great teacher is embodied and devotedly lives his teachings and expresses his authority in service to his path as a role model for humanity. Jupiter is forming a grand trine to Pluto and Mercury reminding each of us that the true guru is within and we must be brave enough to walk our talk as a means of expressing our power.

The call of the wild lives in each of us… And, observing the nature of wolves might be a wonderful way to understand our wildness; living in a pack and serving the whole as a means for serving ourselves. Wolves are individualistic and very intelligent, always considering the impact their actions have on the pack. We too are individualistic and, like wolves, the human instincts are strong. By linking our instincts with our spiritual quest we live in a state of cosmic consciousness; the space of non-duality. It is here that the teachings of Christ, Buddha, and Krishna arise from within.

May all our inner conflict be transformed and uplifted; inspiring the wildness of our being and purity of our hearts to meet in communion with life, love, and freedom.

Mercury stations direct in Taurus
Moon conjunct Mars Rx
Sun conjunct Venus
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter square Saturn
Jupiter opposed Neptune
Jupiter grand trine Pluto and Mercury