“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.” ~ William Blake

NEW MOON in SCORPIO: Oct 30, 2016 @ 1:37pm at 7 degrees

Today’s new moon falls on the eve prior to Halloween, a celebration that recognizes the transition between life and death; when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest. The New Moon in Scorpio is a time of transformation and a glimpse beyond the haze of illusion into the depths of reality. We now have the opportunity for clear perception; to vision a truth beyond what appears as limitation.

“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” ~ Aldous Huxley

To clearly perceive something as it is we must step aside from the body and mind and witness with complete neutrality and equanimity the totality of our experience. In yoga, we do this through the practice of self-observation and meditation where we regularly meet the depth of our being and step beyond the limitations of our individual realities. We are in a time of great change and when change is on the horizon we seek clarity and practicality to obtain the confidence necessary for a transformative movement. Simultaneously, change also requires that we look beyond the seen and trust in the unknown.

Pluto, the ruling planet of this lunation, is in the sign of Capricorn where it has been traveling since 2011. Collectively, Pluto is empowering us to dig deeply into our being to uplift and transform hidden desires that may be working against us while rooting into the passions of the heart. Pluto is the planet of personal alchemy and profound change. And, although we may feel destabilized by Pluto’s energy in the sign of Capricorn as it shakes up and shatters what is no longer supporting us, it is actually working to stabilize our foundation by harnessing the essence of our integrity.

Mars the co-ruler of Scorpio is also in Capricorn and formed a conjunction to Pluto last week. This is a powerful force of energy which is mobilizing our current initiatives of change. It is an intense aspect that will likely push the limits of our truth to further the metamorphosis process. Mars square Uranus brings a revolutionary vibe along with a sudden uprising. Conflicts emerge to help us identify where the resistance truly lies. Inner resistance gives us a clue as to where we need to let go and surrender or make a shift in consciousness.

Always remember, that every confrontation holds the potential for self-realization. As we confront limitations or resistance we touch the force of inner revolution.

This lunation is conjunct Mercury which furthers the minds focus in the sign of Scorpio. It is best to steer clear of obsessive thinking and focus instead on change for the sake of growth and personal expansion. Our intentions are strong here and have the potential to cut through what might otherwise elude us. This lunation also forms a trine to Neptune in Pisces supporting our ability to pierce through illusion and identify false realities. It’s a good time to embrace the dream of dreams and claim personal responsibility and all that is necessary to fulfill our life purpose.

We are all filled with the magic and mystery of what could be and this lunation connects us to the wisdom of our ancestors and spirits of the other worlds. The cathartic process happens in the dark. It is here in the dark of the moon in Scorpio that we confront our demons, walk through the halls of hell, and identify our shadows. It is from here that each of us come to meet the source of our reality, taking yet another step toward ascension in our return to Oneness.

May all beings everywhere be happy, healthy, and free. 
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
Om shanti…elaina
[Elaina offers personal astrological counseling and spiritual mentorship for anyone ready to claim their true authority and live a life of fulfillment… for a list of SERVICES click here or contact Elaina.]

May the clarity of our vision touch Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, transforming our perceived limitations into infinite potential.

Moon/Sun conjunct Mercury
Moon/Sun trine Neptune
Moon/Sun sextile North Node
Pluto in Capricorn
Mars in Capricorn
Mars square Uranus
Venus conjunct Saturn

About The Author

Elaina is a kriya yogi, mentor, and visionary celebrating and exemplifying the value of spiritual life and holistic well being. Her personal mission is to awaken consciousness - igniting a spark of joy in every soul she meets. She teaches and writes regularly on subjects including astrology, yoga cosmology, and conscious living. She offers one-on-one spiritual guidance and group facilitation.

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