
“By all outward appearences our life is a spark of light between one eternal darkness and another.” ~ Alan Watts

This awesome little text by Alan Watts is bursting with gems… a radical and honest perspective of the nature and wisdom of insecurity. Living in a culture that promotes and encourages the need for security, it would be wise to seriously give homage to the fact that our lives and our existence are ever changing and thus based on the premise of insecurity.  The One great deception of our time is the idea that security is real.

Watts asks: “How are we to find security and peace of mind in a world whose very nature is insecurity, impermanence, and unceasing change? He goes on to explain that “…you have to see and feel what you are experiencing as it is, and not as it is named. This very simple “opening of the eyes” brings about the most extraordinary transformation of understanding and living, and shows that many of our most baffling problems are pure illusion.”

Being aware is waking up to this reality and freeing ourselves from all ideas and judgments – accepting all of life, including ourselves, as it is.

A must read! ENJOY!